Last Days On A Cruise Ship

Friday, May 21, 2010

On some days you feel like it'd be alright, but then reality grips in and sets you drifting away, on a boat you never wanted to board in the first place. At first, the cruise is daunting and absolutely not what you had signed up for, but as the days go on, you tell yourself that, hey, it isn't so bad after all. So for months you're on that ship, being tossed about by the waves, in the middle of nowhere, until one day you dock back on land. And you forget what it felt like to actually stand on your two feet, without the swaying, without the waves, without the current. So this is what it's like, you say, and you had forgotten.

Some people end up settling for something because they're used to mediocrity. Some don't feel the need to search for more and dream bigger, because what's the point in wanting something you don't have, when there is already an opportunity waiting for them? I may have my head in the clouds and my eyes set on the sun, but I'd rather be blinded from the brightness than be blind to possibility. 

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