too little too late

Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Being sorry is the highest act of selfishness, seeing value only after discarding it." - Douglas Horton

I don't know who Douglas Horton is, but he makes sense... a lot.

What is sorry, anyway? Does it mean someone's admission of a fault? Is it someone's way of swallowing their pride? Is it an excuse to stop fighting?
Sorry is just a big word carelessly thrown around by people who aren't man enough to own up to their mistakes. Sorry is nothing without a follow up statement. The pathetic (a synonym for another way of using sorry, as well) five letter word means exactly what those who use it so mindlessly intend of doing after they say it: Absolutely nothing.

I'm sorry I broke your heart. I promise to never take you for granted again.
I'm sorry let you down. I'll prove to you that i'm not a dissapointment.
I'm sorry i didn't do what was expected of me. I'll do better next time.

Without the follow up statements, sorry is empty, a word of flattery. Sorry just doesn't cut it, sorry doesn't make everything disappear, and never does it make it all okay. If sorry could move mountains, if it can reconcile even the hardest of hearts, then why are there wars? Divorce? Prison?

Sorry is not enough.
It's never enough.

You're sorry? Well i'm sorry too. Bye.

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