I'm always struggling with what to put on this blog or on my Tumblr. I know I've mentioned this a couple of times already but it still baffles me because I still write lengthy text posts on Tumblr, even when I said I'd restrict it to photoblogs. Also, I feel like this blog is turning out to be a completely emo blog, which totally wasn't even my intention. GAH I rolled my eyes at myself just now when I read my previous post about the song "Only Ones Who Know." Did I HAVE to explain every line? Haha obviously, the time I wrote that, I was probably feeling really existential and sentimental. *laughs* To think that was just TWO months ago. O_O Silly me! XD
Anyway, now know what to put in this blog. More personal thoughts, more happy thoughts, and less emo-the-world-is-such-a-brutal-place posts. :D